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Faculty Pedagogy Journal Club

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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The Center for Teaching, Learning & Outreach invites Caltech faculty and teaching staff to participate in a monthly journal club focused on evidence-based findings in university teaching.

  • What: We will read and discuss a brief journal article or book chapter-- this fall will focus on recent findings regarding how to successfully implement Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies
  • Who: Any Caltech faculty or teaching staff
  • When: Once per month (dates below)
  • Why: To informally share and discuss ways these methods might be implemented in our own classrooms and learning spaces. To provide a chance for community and conversation about teaching across divisions and centers.*lunch will be provided

Hosted Monthly in the CTLO, Room CSS 360:

  • Wednesday, December 14
    Designing Active Learning Opportunities in STEM Classrooms: Increasing student motivation and participation

RSVP- Lunch Provided

For more information, please contact Melissa Dabiri by phone at 8427 or by email at [email protected].