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Centennial Committee
Jehoshua Bruck
Michelle Effros
Ali Hajimiri
Babak Hassibi
Robert McEliece
P.P. Vaidyanathan


Harold A. Rosen
"Father of the Geostationary Satellite"; Member of National Academy of Engineering

Dr. Harold A. Rosen has earned worldwide recognition for his pioneering work in the field of communications satellites and is widely recognized as “the father of the geostationary satellite” in that he formed and led the team that designed and built the first successful geostationary satellite, Syncom, and subsequently, as Vice President, went on to help build the world’s largest communications satellite business at Hughes Aircraft Company. Dr. Rosen has received the 1995 National Academy of Engineering’s Draper Prize, the 1990 Arthur C. Clarke Award (presented by the President of Sri Lanka), the 1985 National Medal of Technology (presented by President Reagan), the 1985 Communications and Computing Prize from NEC, the 1982 Alexander Graham Bell Medal and the 1976 Ericsson International Prize in Communications (presented by the King of Sweden). In 2003, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In addition to the above, he has received numerous other awards and honors, among them the 1992 Design News Special Achievement Award, the 2003 Discover magazine Innovation Award, and the ISCe 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award. A holder of over eighty patents, he is a Fellow of the IEEE and the AIAA. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of Caltech (1976), from which he received his PhD in electrical engineering (with a minor in aeronautics). Dr. Rosen now consults for Boeing in the design of new satellite systems. He lives with his wife, Deborah Castleman, in Santa Monica, California. He has two sons, Robert and Rocky.

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